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Erika Gilmore
Jun 3, 20193 min read
The Home Inspection: A Necessary Evil 😈💰
There is a legal principle called caveat emptor which means "let the buyer beware," and it applies to purchasing a home. It is the...
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Erika Gilmore
Jan 29, 20193 min read
5 reasons a real estate deal falls through and how to keep it from happening to you
It's a miracle anyone actually buys a new home. When you think about the numerous contingencies in a real estate contract, the odds of a...
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Erika Gilmore
Jan 10, 20193 min read
Every Date Matters
As a realtor, I have noticed it is common practice to proceed during the "in contract" period with loose adherence to the agreed upon...
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Erika Gilmore
Nov 29, 20182 min read
So you want to break your lease...
Go right ahead, your lawyer will thank you for the extra holiday income. I recently had a client ask me whether she could stop paying on...
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Erika Gilmore
Nov 28, 20182 min read
Who can pay cash for a house anyway? The title may be a little harsh. A more realistic but less catchy title would be "Mortgage Good,...
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Erika Gilmore
Nov 28, 20183 min read
Why it's worth it to submit a back up offer. Let's say you've found THE PERFECT HOUSE. Unfortunately, it was the perfect house for many...
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